You Have a Cold? Visit an Urgent Care Redford

Why is it called a cold?

A cold is a virus that is contagious. Symptoms include everything from a stuffy nose to watery eyes and a sore throat. Your bones may ache, and you just feel generally run down. The origin of the word cold is not unexpected. The term ‘cold’ that refers to an illness came from the fact that people often fall sick and get a ‘cold’ during cold weather! In this article, the doctors at an urgent care near me will explain everything you need to know about colds.

How does a cold work?

Infections are the source of colds and there are over 200 strains of the common cold virus. While many people tend to get sick during cold weather the truth is that germs are the cause of illness and it has nothing to do with how cold outside it feels. It is simply that there is often less ventilation in buildings and homes in the winter so the germs that can make you sick are able to live longer and make people sick. For example, when you or someone you know coughs, they may use their hands to cover their mouth. But, if they do not wash their hands afterwards then the germs can transfer to other surfaces such as countertops, door knobs or people – just by shaking their hand!

Doctors and Medcare Walkin Clinic in Redford

Doctors at Medcare Redford are happy to explain everything you need to know about colds. They will advise you on how to prevent a cold, the symptoms of a cold and how to treat a cold if you do get sick. This may be simpler than you think! The best steps for prevent a cold are to eat right and get lots of sleep, stay away from crowds and keep your hands clean. Also avoid putting your hands anywhere near your face and always wash your hands before preparing food. You should also take a multivitamin to strengthen your immune system.

What are the stages of a cold?

The cold is often referred to as a ‘common cold’. That is because there are so many different germs that can lead to a cold it is common to fall victim to it. In fact, most adults tend to have two or three colds each year and children will have even more! Colds do not come on suddenly. Instead, symptoms begin to show in stages because colds have a ‘life cycle’.

  1. In the first stage, a person may feel weak and run down. They will also have a bit of a sore throat and watery eyes and may not want to eat as much. The throat may be scratchy and even a bit sore and the body will have aches and pains in different places. The doctors at an urgent care near me open will tell you that people often overlook this early stage of illness. They will explain this is not the best idea because when a cold is treated early it is possible to shorten its life span. The first stage can last 1 – 3 days. 
  2. Stage 2 will begin on day 4 and can last up to day 7. Now the cold has taken hold and symptoms can include a low-grade fever, chills and/or sweating, a recurring cough, runny nose and congestion. At this stage the cold is quite contagious. In other words, you can cause other people to become ill with a similar virus if you are around them and cough or sneeze. The Physician Assistant at the Redford urgent care often advise people to stay home, get lots of rest, drink lots of healthy fluids such as water and juice that has limited amounts of sugar, and eat fruits and vegetables. Soup and light meats can also improve symptoms. 
  3. Finally, Stage 3 of a cold will begin on day 8 and can last through day 10. The symptoms are beginning to wane, and you will feel you are on the ‘upswing’. You may begin to get some of your energy back, the sore throat and watery eyes will start to fade, and you may have an increased appetite. However, there are still certain symptoms that may persist such as congestion, slight cough and fatigue. You are contagious only if you continue to have active symptoms.

Can a Cold Last Five Weeks? 

The typical cold will run its course in ten days. If you continue to feel ill after that then it is very important to visit a concentra near me or Redford urgent care. It takes about ten days for the immune system in your body to fight off the infection all by itself. But, if you continue to feel sick it may be due to another underlying illness that needs medical attention. In other words, you may not be able to restore to full health unless you see a clinic near me. 

The professionals at an urgent care near me such as Medcare Redford are trained to diagnose a variety of illnesses. You may not have a cold at all. Instead your health problems may be related to such issues as stress at work, a lack of proper diet or simply the fact that you have been self-treating the wrong illness all along. It is difficult to know this as a layman. That is why medical intervention is advised. 

Cold Signs

There are several signs to look for if your cold won’t go away. For instance, if your cold won’t go away or symptoms persist then there are other problems that should be addressed. Also, if you smoke or use excessive alcohol it depresses the immune system and you won’t get well. Never ignore the warning signs of illness. While there are over-the-counter medications that can be helpful there is no replacement for a professional diagnosis. So, take the time to walk-in clinic near me or an urgent care near me open. It’s better to be safe than to be sorry.

The professionals at Medcare Redford are always available to help you get well. Visit our Physicians at Urgent Care Redford if you feel sick. We are located
26611 W Seven Mile Rd Suit B,
Redford CharterTwp, MI 48240

No appointments needed. Call us at (313) 300 2549

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