Coronavirus in Michigan

Urgent Care Redford Explains the Coronavirus

The news has been filled with stories and information about the latest flu virus called the Coronavirus. It appears to be quite powerful and has claimed dozens of lives in Asia. The purpose of this brief article is to educate the residents of the tri-county area about this potent illness. Let us examine just what the coronavirus is and its symptoms so you can be proactive if you are feeling ill. Remember that if you or a family member is showing signs of this illness you should use your technology devices to find an “urgent care near me”. You will be directed to the closest medical centers including Medcare Redford where the best medical attention is available. Coronaviruse in Michigan is under control and Michigan’s health department is investigating several possible cases of coronavirus.

What is Coronavirus

The coronavirus is any of a group of RNA viruses that will cause a variety of diseases in human beings as well as animals. The coronavirus got its name because it is shaped like a halo or corona when viewed under a microscope. The coronavirus is a virus that is common. It attacks or infects the upper throat, your sinuses and/or your nose and is associated most often with a variety of respiratory illnesses. You might be surprised to learn that almost everyone will get the coronavirus in their lifetime one time or more! It happens most often when you are a young child and – while it can make you quite ill – it is just one more virus you will likely survive. 

where does Coronavirus come from?

The coronavirus actually comes from animals. People are usually unaware that many of the viruses that infect human beings originate from animals. In this most recent case of coronavirus in China, doctors have traced it back to a wholesale market where seafood and slaughtered animals are available. 

This strain of coronavirus has been causing pneumonia. The flu symptoms are fever and chills, coughing and breathing difficulty. Unfortunately, a virus is not treatable with antibiotics and to this point there are no antiviral medications that seem to be able to bring relief. The only treatment for this coronavirus strain has been to hospitalize the victim and provide medical aid in the way of fluids and lung support. The bottom line is that survival depends on the health of the person’s immune system and how he or she is able to fight through the symptoms. 

CDC is in control

The coronavirus has not materialized in the United States yet. Thanks to such proactive organizations as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the nation will likely not need to worry that an epidemic of the coronavirus will take hold in the United States. However, there are many other illnesses that affect people in the winter so if you are feeling ill you should look up “walk in clinics near me” and seek medical attention. You may be given flu medication or be given other treatments to relieve your symptoms. 

The only way to be sure you will get well is to find “doctors at an urgent care near me” and allow these experts to diagnose your illness. One of the best Redford clinics in the tri-county area is Medcare Urgent Care. Our experienced staff is trained to diagnose and treat the flu including the coronavirus. Our address is 26611 W 7 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240. Phone (313) 300 2549. To learn more about our services visit our website at

Treating the Coronavirus at a Redford Urgent Care

Are you experiencing chills or a fever? Are you coughing a lot and having trouble breathing? You have some of the symptoms of the Coronavirus that has taken the lives of dozens of people in China. But it is highly unlikely that this is the illness you are suffering from. Instead, you probably have one of the many strains of the flu that Americans suffer from each year during flu season. When you are ill it is always recommended that you seek professional medical attention at an urgent care Redford. 

The coronavirus got its name from its shape. When viewed under an electron microscope, researchers claimed it looked like a halo or corona so that is the name it was given. It is not a single virus but a group of them. In this case the corona virus originated from animals but was contracted by humans. That happens more often than people realize! 

Because it is a virus instead of a bacterial infection it cannot be treated with antibiotics. Instead, when a person is suffering from a viral infection there are anti-viral medications that are used to relieve symptoms. For example, there are certain medications that will bring down your temperature and others that will ease difficult breathing. However, it is really up to the patient’s immune system to take over and fight off the illness. That is one reason that eating right and staying healthy is so important. When you do that then your immune system is healthier and better able to fight off ailments such as the coronavirus.

It is important to be able to recognize flu symptoms. First, there are certain times of the year when it is most common. You will hear newscasters and medical personnel talk about ‘flu season’ because it appears during certain months – usually anywhere from October to February, although it can last all the way to May if it is a particularly ‘nasty’ virus. 

Coronavirus Symtoms

The coronavirus has many of the symptoms of other flu strains. The sufferer may experience chills and fever along with coughing and breathing difficulty. It is advisable to use your technology and ask it for directions to “walk in clinics near me” or “doctors at an urgent care near me”. While there are many over-the-counter medications that can be used to treat flu symptoms on your own, often people are unaware of how sick they are or how dangerous the flu can be if not attended to by medical professionals. What may start out seeming like a mild cold or case of the flu actually turns into a medical emergency if not treated correctly or in a timely manner. 

Flu Medicine

The types of flu medications that are available include four FDA-approved antiviral drugs. The most popular include Tamaflu and Xofluza. However, more often than not the only way to work through a case of the flu is to get lots of bed rest and get plenty of fluids to flush out your system. You might take certain medications to treat the symptoms such as a cough medicine to stop coughing or something to bring down a fever. 

But, we would recommend that if you are ill you should visit one of Redford’s best walk-in clinics in the tri-county area – Medcare Urgent Care. Our experienced staff is trained to treat the flu and other illnesses. Our address is 26611 W 7 Mile Rd, Redford, MI 48240. Phone (313) 300 2549. To learn more about our services visit our website at

How to Prevent the Flu at Urgent Care Redford

It is the middle of winter and flu season is upon us. Many people will feel healthy one day and the next wake up with flu symptoms that can leave them feeling weak and tired. There are many ways to treat the flu but the doctors at urgent care Redford would like to give some advice on how to prevent the flu before it begins! 

Coronavirus Prevention

There are a number of ways to avoid getting the flu and becoming a victim of illness. First, you should attempt to avoid large crowds. In other words, if you can minimize contact with a great number of people when it is flu season then you are taking the first step towards remaining in the peak of health. Doctors at the urgent care near me also suggest you wash your hands regularly. This is also a very effective preventive measure that will keep the flu at bay. 

Many people do not realize how important it is to keep your hands clean. Hands are one of the number of carriers of germs. Germs are invisible but very powerful. They can be picked up through contact with surfaces and people. For example, germs can lurk on doorknobs light switches and other common areas. You can even get flu germs when shaking someone’s hand if they have coughed or sneezed on it.

Then the germs can be transferred to food and loved ones, or find their way into your mouth, eyes or skin where the flu can start to manifest. You should always wash your hands after you use the restroom and before preparing food – even if you have washed your hands several times throughout the day. When you wash your hands, you should always use warm to hot soapy water. Rub your hands on the inside and out for at least 20 seconds and then dry with a clean cloth. Many people carry hand sanitizer with them just in case there are no restrooms around.

Hands Off Face and Eyes

The doctors at Medcare Redford also strongly recommend that you avoid putting your hands on your face or near your mouth and eyes. These are common transfer points for flu germs. Still a third way to prevent flu symptoms is to keep your immune system strong. You can do this by following common health expectations. First, you should always eat right. This means you should eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables in proper amounts on a daily basis. Proteins and grains are another important part of a healthy diet, too. You should also drink lots of water. If you drink juice you should be sure that it contains a limited amount of sugar. 

Food And Sickness

You should avoid fatty foods and junk foods. Foods that are good for you contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants. To better ensure that you have the full amount of vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy add a multivitamin to your daily health regimen.

Avoiding Get Sick

The doctors near me advise people to keep all of the surfaces of their home clean and sanitary. In other words, you should wipe them down regularly with a cloth that is soapy or has a cleanser that will remove all of the germs. Again, surfaces of common areas such as kitchens and bathrooms have the greatest amount of germs that can be transferred and cause the flu or flu symptoms. You will not have to use flu medication if you are careful to avoid getting sick. 

Flu Shots as a prevention

One final suggestion for avoiding the flu is to get your flu shot or flu vaccination each year. While there are many strains of the flu the shot does help to bolster your immune system and keep your healthy in the middle of flu season. The doctors at Medcare Redford or a redford urgent care are trained to administer the flu shot or provide flu medicine if you do get sick. 

In other words, follow the list of suggestions in this article to help prevent the flu at Urgent Care Redford. But if you do begin to feel ill do not hesitate to visit the concentra near me. These are professionals that have the answers when it comes to making you feel better. You can find the medical support you need at a walk-in clinic near me or an urgent care near me open at convenient hours. 

Remember, some of the best ways to keep from getting the flu is to take care of yourself. In other words, eat right and get plenty of sleep. Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands regularly. Avoid contact with people who are sick, and you will have a healthy flu season.

Contact Physicians at Urgent Care Redford if you feel sick. We are located
26611 W Seven Mile Rd Suit B,
Redford CharterTwp, MI 48240

All Walkins are welcome. Call us at (313) 300 2549

CDC to test 3 people in Michigan for possible case of coronavirus

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