Coronavirus FAQ

There have been few problems facing mankind more confounding than the recent onset of a worldwide virus. What follows are a series of important questions and answers about COVID-19. 

  1.  Where is the closest Coronavirus testing facility?  

The number of testing sites for COVID-19 in Wayne County, Michigan continues to grow and change as medical professionals recognize the importance of testing to reining in the disease. Drive-through sites include the Wayne County Fairgrounds, St. John’s Hospital, Beaumont Hospital, and more. Fors more complete lists with addresses visit the link below. 

  1. Why is the virus called coronavirus?   

The word ‘corona’ means ‘crown’ in Spanish. When viewed under a microscope the virus tends to appear to have ‘crowns’ protruding all around. It has also been identified as the ‘novel coronavirus’. This means it is new and unique while also having viral-like characteristics. Finally, the most accurate name for it is ‘COVID-19’. It is a way of identifying this particular virus in a shortened form. ‘Covi’ stands for coronavirus and the ‘D’ indicates the word disease. Finally, the ‘19’ names the year it appeared. This name was officially assigned by the World Health Organization.

  1.  Can you have the coronavirus disease without a fever?  

While anything is possible and COVID-19 is so new there are many things that are still unknown about it. However, it is very likely that a fever may be the first sign you have the illness. Other common but mild symptoms include a cough, fatigue, lack of appetite and more. You may visit the link below to learn more about COVID-19 symptoms. It is important to note that the disease may present differently for each person depending on a variety of factors such as the type and extent of comorbid factors, age, and overall health.

  1. Can antibiotics treat the coronavirus disease?

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections and not viruses. However, researchers are investigating the possibility that certain antibiotics may be a potential treatment for COVID-19. It is common to treat the symptoms of a virus as they arise. Unfortunately, it is not recommended to take antibiotics because it may lead to antibiotic resistance at a time when an individual would need them.

  1. Is there a vaccine for coronavirus?

There is currently no vaccine for COVID-19 but there are over 400 treatments and vaccines being studied as a response to the virus. Vaccines generally take years to develop but the deadliness of this virus and its worldwide impact have caused the research community to redouble their efforts to find a cure. 

What is coronavirus and Covid-19?
  1.   Would Coronavirus go away with high temperature?  

There are many ‘myths’ being spread about the Coronavirus. One of them is that the virus can be extinguished by high temperatures. Unfortunately, this is a ‘falsehood’ that has been debunked. Summer weather will not kill the virus. Science has demonstrated that a similar virus can be extinguished at temperatures of nearly 133 degrees. However, the outdoor temperature never reaches this degree of heat so the summer weather will not significantly impact the presence or spread of the virus. 

  1. Is headache a symptom of the coronavirus disease?

A headache may be a less common symptom of the coronavirus disease. If it is coupled with other symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, shortness of breath or other health problems then it would be important to get tested to determine if you are carrying the virus. 

  1.   Which blood type that can be most susceptible to get coronavirus?

Researchers have tentatively suggested one blood type is more susceptible to the virus than others. Scientists recently published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine that indicates people with Type A blood are more likely to contract the disease and show the most severe symptoms. There is still much work to be done on the subject.

  1.   How to Protect Yourself & Others  

Public health professionals and medical experts alike continue to explain the most important steps you can take to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 include wearing a mask at all times when in public, social distancing of 6 feet or more, and keeping your hands washed. If you don’t have to go out in public then for the time being it would be advisable to stay home and self-quarantine. If you must be in the public because of work or shopping, then be sure to follow the very simple advice that will better ensure you don’t get the virus or contract symptoms you can pass to others! Medcare Urgent Care is here to serve your medical needs. Contact us by phone at (313) 300-2549. Our clinic is located in Redford, Michigan at 26611 W 7 Mile Rd.


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